Oh goodness……I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Black Friday and Cyber Monday give me ANXIETY! Who can POSSIBLY keep up with all the sales and sites and store – EYE ROLL. Not ME!
I have chosen a few items that I KNOW are winners. So, here goes.
1) Forever 21 Girl’s Size 14 Christmas Tree Dress. It’s HILARIOUS. You absolutely HAVE to order this for anyone who likes a good gag outfit. I’d post the picture of my 16 year old in it, but she would probably have a COW.
2) T3 Single Pass X. This straightener is SO great because it is almost twice the width of a normal straightener. That means you don’t have to go over and over the same strands of hair. You can cover a whole lot more with this one. My girls LOVE it and they have long, thick hair. The three of us fight over it.
3) T3 Source Showerhead and Replacement Filter. Ok, Kate, who did my color last week said that the BEST product for protecting hair and hair COLOR is the T3 showerhead. It has a filter that blocks you from harmful minerals in your water. She swears by it.
4) Yummie Shapewear – Grannie panties – I’m bringing them back. Why we all wear thongs is BEYOND me. These gals hold you in and don’t show a single line. Boom.
5) Stance socks. My family LOVES the movie “Step Brothers”. I’m going to gift these as well as the pair that features their favorite show, “The Office”. Hilarious – both of them.
6) Paravel Packing Cube Trio. Ok, I actually don’t HAVE this one, but I WANT these!!! I can’t stand packing because the little grooves in the bottom of the carry on suite case drive me NUTS. These seem very civilized and convenient.
7) Quay Blue Light Glasses. Let’s be honest – we all need these. We stare at the DAMN computer and phone all day and it just CAN’T be good for our eyes! These guys have a great selection. Check em out!
8) Henry Rose Perfume by Michele Pfeiffer. Well I just love MP. She’s SO gorgeous and classy and she hasn’t worn perfume in 15 years (and she’s STILL gorgeous). I heard her in an interview talking about her new perfume line. I ordered the little sample pack and I LOVE all of the scents. They have no harmful chemicals and they smell great, so THERE.
9) LORD JONES. I should have put this on the TOP of the list. This stuff will make you sleep like a BABY. Living in Colorado, I’ve tried ’em all and this one WORKS. I feel like a MILLION bucks when I wake up in the morning. Far cry from an Ambien 🙂
10) These earrings. I saw them and I just LOVE them. The price is RIGHT and they’ll look GREAT for the Holidays. Perfection.
11) Ok, I have a little IN with this chair, All 33. This is Bing’s latest product created by his partner Denis, the chiropractor to the stars (and everyone else in Hollywood…oh, and the Clippers). All I can tell you is that this technology makes it so you are “sitting in motion”. The little seat inside the chair swings when you sit. No pressure on your back. I prefer the white one because it’s pretty lady-like …the kind of office chair you dream of in an all white, fancy office. Use the code WAYGIT to get a special offer $100 off any chair. They are also having a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale, but since I’ve got an “in” , you get an even better deal. You should read the endorsements – everyone from George Hamilton to Justin Beiber to…oh, I can’t name them all. (ALL33.com)
So, there you go! Trust the Mother – you’ll be glad you did 😉
PS – I’m going to put more items up over the next few days. Check out my Instagram to see more! @angelahowenstein